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Add to your order now and get our Experience 6-Pack for just $35! If you exit this page your order will remain completed as is.

A once in a order chance! Enjoy 6 different flavors that comprise a selection of our favorites, and best sellers! We love this combination of products as they showcase every heat level we have to offer, from our mildest, Honey Hot, to our wildest, Nashville Style! Did we mention this exclusive offer is almost $50 off normal price?!?

Experience 6-Pack

Perfect balance of heat and flavor; delicious and versatile enough to compliment any food without overpowering its natural flavor. Wow your taste buds; Its subtle heat will leave you wanting more; It’s the best hot sauce…Period.



I'll be honest I didn't believe your slogan prior to me tasting it. I am a believer now! This is the best tasting hot sauce I have had and I have a running inventory of about 30 open bottles of different hot sauces at any given time. Every bottle continues deliver! I'm a huge fan of "The best tasting hot sauce....PERIOD"

Aaron Collins

Why Rocky's isn't in every store or restaurant in the USA is beyond my comprehension!

Rick Bartelt

Here's What's Exactly Included In this Deal

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